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About the Project

Bakery News – is an information project for bakers, confectioners and entrepreneurs employed in the Bread&Confectionary Industry.

Bakery News includes:

  • Bakery News magazine;
  • site;
  • Bakery News pages and channels in social networks (Instagram, YouTube, VK);
  • Series of Bakery News webinars etc.

ТNow small business bread&confectionary market players can get news, expert advice and training information in any convenient format.


  • Home backers and confectioners who make their hobby a small business;
  • Professional chefs, backers and pastry cooks;
  • Owners and managers of bakeries and confectionaries.


  • Market News and Schedule of important events in Russia and abroad;
  • Training webinars and professional master-classes;
  • Ready solutions for business and legal advice;
  • Interviews and consultations with experts;
  • Equipment, technology, materials and formulas;
  • Best ideas and Industry experience.


Bakery News Magazine is edited by the stuff of Bread&Confectionary Magazine that is part of the Otraslevie Vedomosti Publishing House. A large address data base accumulated for the past 20 years of the Bread&Confectionary Magazine existence prompted an idea to start the BAKERY NEWS Magazine. The Otraslevie Vedomosti Publishing House has dozens of successful paper and on-line projects in the area of food production.

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